Últimas Notícias

Carta assinala indicação da nova Diretora do Programa Global de Tuberculose, Dra Tereza Kasaeva

Carta do Diretor Geral da OMS, assinalando a indicação da nova Diretora do Programa Global de Tuberculose, Dra Tereza Kasaeva, da Rússia, em substituição ao Dr Mário Raviglione.

O idioma original é na língua inglesa.


Dear colleagues,  


I am pleased to announce the following appointments of senior colleagues who are joining the WHO leadership team. These outstanding public health leaders were selected during the recent transition period and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to WHO. They further demonstrate the professional, gender and geographic diversity that characterizes the new leadership team – and that is critical to fulfill our mission of health for all at the World Health Organization.  

Particularly on the issue of gender, despite setting a target of achieving 50% gender equity in 1997, WHO has not lived up to that goal. Two decades later, only 28% of the directors are women.  

As you’ve seen, we’ve started to change that, first when I appointed nine extraordinary women in October to the senior management team. For the first time in WHO history, women outnumber men in the senior leadership. Now, with this appointment, we’re adding eight extraordinary individuals to the leadership team – seven of whom are women.  


Despite this progress, I fully recognize that a lot of work remains. To continue this work, we are already working with experts on refining the recruitment process to tackle some of the unconscious biases that have created gender and geographic inequalities – and to ensure we can more quickly and efficiently bring in diverse talent where we have gaps. I firmly believe that reaching this goal is the right thing for the organization and for global health.  


The new directors are:   


Ms Elizabeth Iro, whose appointment was announced during the Western Pacific Regional Committee Meeting in October, will be joining WHO as Chief Nursing Officer. Ms Iro is from the Cook Islands and is a registered nurse. She is currently the Secretary of Health of the Cook Islands.  


Ms Dominique Hyde as Director for Strategic Engagement in the new cluster for External Relations. Ms Hyde is from Canada and has joined us from UNICEF, where she was deputy director of public partnerships.  


Dr Samira Asma as Director in the new Cluster for Metrics and Measurement. Dr Asma is from the USA, and she is currently on secondment to the Transition Team from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where she is Chief of the Global Noncommunicable Diseases Branch.  


Ms Sheenaz El-Halabi as Director in the Office of the Director General. Ms El-Halabi is from Botswana, and she was previously Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health of Botswana.  


Dr Tereza Kasaeva as Director of the Global Tuberculosis Programme in the Communicable Diseases Cluster. Dr Kasaeva is from the Russian Federation, and she is currently Director of the Department of Medical Care in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.    


Dr Hama Boureima Sambo as Director in the new cluster Climate and Other Determinants of Health Cluster of Dr Sambo is from Niger, and he is currently WHO Representative in Gabon.  


Ms Min Whee Kang as Director in the Office of the Director General, from 1 December. Ms Kang is from the Republic of Korea and has also joined us from UNICEF, where she was Chief of the Central Region in the ‎UNICEF Afghanistan Country Office.    


Ms Diah Saminarsih as Advisor on gender and youth in the Office of the Director General. Ms Saminarsih is from Indonesia, and she is currently Special Advisor to the Minister of Health of Indonesia.    


Dr Tedros  
