Últimas Notícias

Community Connect Call for Applications Now Open


The Community Connect is an area where representatives from the community can
share, experience and develop ideas and projects around 4 tracks related to lung
health and non-communicable diseases. Set to inspire, engage and give a voice to
the community.
Organisations or community initiatives interested in joining the Community Connect
can apply keeping guidelines stated below in mind.
This space is part/is a core part/is at the heart of the 52nd Union World Conference
on Lung Health, which will take place virtually from 19-22 October 2021.
This year’s Community Connect has four tracks:

  1. Community, rights, and gender: Implementation experience, best practices and
    stories from affected communities to ensure community-centred, rights-based
    and gender responsive healthcare for all.
  2. Innovation in TB, tobacco control, COVID-19, lung health and non-
    communicable diseases: Shared learning based on innovative research and

advances to prioritise communities’ needs on the health agenda.

  1. Political environments for community-led advocacy to influence policy:
    Government and community partnerships, advocacy and community-led
    monitoring of laws, policies or guidelines and engagement in multi-stakeholder
    accountability mechanisms.
  2. Social determinants of health for vulnerable groups: Research and
    recommendations to ensure high quality healthcare for key populations and
    vulnerable groups. This could include home-based care and integrated services
    for nutritional support, psychological support and financial support.

Track leads
Different organisations will be assigned to lead each track. As Track Lead, the
selected organisation(s) will be responsible – along with your UCAP liaison – to
collect session applications for the respective Track, review them, and select
relevant sessions to be featured in the conference broadcast programme. During the
conference itself, at least one representative from each organisation should be
present during the sessions of the Track you are responsible for.
To become a Track Lead, please submit your application to
communityconnect@theunion.org by 28 June, 17:00 CEST.

Please outline:
• Name and location of Organisation(s). Your application will be strengthened
through representation in multiple regions to ensure availability for live Q&A
across time zones.
• The Track you would like to lead.
• A short description of the interest and expertise of the organisation(s) applying to
lead the chosen track and examples of potential sessions you would like to
include (up to 500 words). This could include previous experiences in running
similar spaces at other conferences, and examples of events/panels/etc that
you’ve organised that are relevant to the theme of the Track.

Session applications
Please submit your application to lead a 45 minute session (30 minute pre-recorded
presentations with a 15 minute live Q&A) to communityconnect@theunion.org by 21
July, 17:00 CEST, with the following information:
• Track
• Session title
• Speakers’ names, gender and country representation
• Brief outline of session topic and discussion (maximum 500 words)
We also invite you to submit sessions in Spanish, Russian and French if that is your
preferred language. Please note, however, that English translation will not be
We are committed to promoting person-centered language in all sessions and
presentations. When drafting your abstract, we request that you follow the guidelines
laid out in the Stop TB Partnership’s publication, Suggested Language and Usage
for Tuberculosis Care, Communications and Publications.
Please note: Abstracts using stigmatising language will be penalised in the
review process. More details are available in the review criteria.

Review criteria
UCAP and Track Leads will use the following review criteria to score each

Relevance The research question is relevant. The
study/intervention addresses current,
relevant scientific or public health issues;
the study/intervention findings are important
and will likely contribute to new knowledge,
practice, policies or programmes.

0 = not described/irrelevant
1 = minimal relevance
2 = somewhat relevant
3 = relevant
4 = very relevant
5 = extremely relevant
(Weight = 1.0)

/intervention or

The study design/intervention is appropriate,
given the objectives/challenges.

0 = not described
1 = very poor
2 = poor
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = excellent
(Weight = 1.0)

Results/impact Results/Impact are in line with the analysis
methodology and objectives; scope,
generalisability, feasibility and robustness of
findings are satisfactory.

0 = not described
1 = very poor
2 = poor
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = excellent

(Weight = 1.0)

Clarity of the

The study’s objectives/challenges or
working hypotheses are clearly stated. The
text is concise and objective, the
conclusions are clear and congruent with
the results and the final overall message is

0 = Unable to understand
abstract/no conclusions
1 = very poor (i.e. Abstract is
confusing. Conclusions not
supported by results)
2 = poor
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = excellent (i.e. Abstract
exceptionally well written.
Conclusions congruent with results)
(Weight = 0.5)

Originality The study, methodology/implementation,
context and/or findings are new or novel.

0 = not described
1 = very poor
2 = poor
3 = average
4 = above average
5 = extremely novel
(Weight = 0.5)


Please follow the guidelines laid out in the
Stop TB Partnership’s
publication, Suggested Language and
Usage for Tuberculosis Care,
Communications and Publications. Key
stigmatising words/phrases will be will be
penalised in the review process.

-1 = yes
0 = no

(Weight = 1)

Maximum score: 20
For questions or queries, please email communityconnect@theunion.org

Pdf Completo: https://redetb.org.br/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/52d-Union-World-Conference-Call-for-abstracts-Review-Criteria-.pdf