Últimas Notícias

US- Brazil ICOHRTA Symposium

US- Brazil ICOHRTA Symposium
April 28 – 30, 2015

“Celebrating 13 years of US-Brazil collaboration on TB/HIV research and capacity building”

Organizers: Jonathan E. Golub, MPH, DsC
José R. Lapa e Silva, MD PhD
Afranio L. Kritski, MD PhD

Administrative support: Jakia Jones
Alessandra F. Coelho
Natalia Lapa e Silva

Financial support: Fogarty International Center, NIH, USA

Venue: Windsor Florida Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
R. Ferreira Viana, 81 – Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 22210-040

April 28 2015
· 8 AM to 4 PM: registration, credentials, meeting materials (convention center)
Pre-symposium / workshops
4. “Atlanta” room: Rede TB Meeting (Afranio L. Kritski, UFRJ/José R. Lapa e Silva, UFRJ)
“Building the Pillar 3 of the END TB Strategy in Brazil”
8:00 Introductions
8:45 Overview of Brazilian Tuberculosis Research Agenda, Rede TB
2008-2013 – Afranio Kritski and Jose Roberto Lapa e Silva – Rede
9:00 Forsight on End TB Strategy using Brazilian data within different
Scenarios: where and when to focus. Antonio Ruffino Netto – FMRP
-USP/Rede TB and Susan Martins – ISC-UFBA
9:30 Research, Development and Innovation on Tuberculosis: Perspectives at Fiocruz – MoH – Wim de Grave/Fiocruz
9:45 Laboratory Quality Management System: Private and Public
scenarios 0liveira M – CDTS-Fiocruz /Rede TB
10:00 How to create/improve a Brazilian Platform for Clinical research platforms under new Brazilian regulatory frame – Andre Daher –Farmanguinhos/ Fiocruz
10:15 National TB Program – Ministry of Health / Perspectives and Priorities–
Patricia Bartolomay, PNCT-SVS-MS
10:30 New technologies’ implementation and outcomes of studies – how and with whom is knowledge being shared? Ezio Tavora – Rede TB /UFRJ
10:45 Discussion
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Platforms for TB Research – Survey Results – April 2015 – Afranio Kritski
11:30 Building the Pillar 3 of the End TB Strategy – WHO overview and
perspectives (video conference) – Christian Lienhardt – Richard Menzies
12:15 Experience on Global TB Research,- Becton and Dickinson Perspective.
Caroline Slade, BD / Global Health
12:30 Discussion
1:00 Lunch break
2:00 How to create/improve a Brazilian Platform for Development, Production
and Impact evaluation of new TB diagnosis methods/strategies – Marco
Krieger – ICC / Fiocruz PR, Maria L. Rossetti/FEPPS-RJ, Silvana
Miranda UFMG
2:20 How to create/improve a Brazilian Platform for Development, Production
and Impact evaluation of new TB drugs – Maria Martha Campos – PUC
-RS/Rede TB, Reynaldo Dietze /NDI- UFES
2:40 How to improve a Brazilian Platform for Operational and Health System Research – Tereza Scatena Villa – EERP-USP/GeoTB-Rede TB and, Patricia Bartolomay /PNCT-SVS-MS
3:00 How to develop a Brazilian Platform for Impact Evaluation of Retooling and New Technologies/products? Afranio Kritski – FM-UFRJ/Rede TB,
3:10 How to coordinate the Brazilian Platforms and its interaction with other
Countries: Lapa e Silva/Ruffino Netto-Rede TB, Marco
Krieger/Wim de Grave– Fiocruz; Julio Croda – SBMT, Fernanda Mello –
SBPT; Juliano Paggiaro – Becton Dickinson, Cleverson Porto (QIAGEN), Felipe Carvalho MSF-BR, CPLP (IHMT-UNL-Portugal/via skype)
3:50 Plenary session – Final Remarks.
4:00 Closed Session /Coffee break

Opening of Symposium (“Atlanta” room)

5:00 Welcome & Introduction (José Lapa e Silva, UFRJ/Jonathan E. Golub, Johns Hopkins University)

5:30 Brazil/US ICOHRTA history (José Lapa e Silva, UFRJ /Richard E. Chaisson, Johns Hopkins University /Lee W. Riley, University of California Berkeley)

6:00 Keynote conference– Richard E. Chaisson, Johns Hopkins University
“Can TB be eradicated?”

7:00 Welcome Dinner at the hotel restaurant

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