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WHO #EndTB Webinar on progress and opportunities for multisectoral collaboration across the United Nations

Join us for a second WHO #EndTB Webinar on the progress made in implementing WHO’s Multisectoral Accountability Framework to Accelerate Progress to End TB (MAF-TB) on Wednesday, 5 May at 11:00H CET.

This webinar will showcase collaborative actions across United Nations agencies towards ending TB and deliberate on how multisectoral collaboration and action can be strengthened to reach global targets and implement the priority recommendations of the UN Secretary General 2020 Progress Report on TB. This is a concrete next step towards strengthening a collaborative multi-stakeholder and multisectoral platform to coordinate the TB response and review progress.

WHO has been coordinating the implementation of the Multisectoral Accountability Framework since its launch. There has been  progress with high-level leadership on multisectoral accountability including Presidential or Head of State End TB initiatives and formalized mechanisms for the engagement and accountability of stakeholders  in several high TB burden countries,  including with the collaboration of UN agencies.  WHO’s Global Action Plan for Healthy Lives and Well-being for All has paved the way for multisectoral collaboration across 13 multilateral health, development and humanitarian agencies to better support countries to accelerate progress towards the health-related Sustainable Development Goals including to end TB.

Key speakers at the webinar will include UN Agencies that are contributing to multisectoral efforts towards ending TB, as well as national TB programmes, regions and civil society. 

Fonte: https://mailchi.mp/who/who-endtb-webinar-on-progress-and-opportunities-for-multisectoral-collaboration-across-the-united-nations?e=81d56ff5cb