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Yes! We Can End TB – World TB Day 2024 Campaign Toolkit


ebruary 27, 2024 – The Stop TB Partnership today is releasing the campaign toolkit for this year’s ‘Yes! We Can End TB’ World TB Day campaign on 24 March 2024. The continuation of last year’s World TB Day theme brings attention to tuberculosis and our collective power to achieve the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB Political Declaration targets, which will put the world on course to end TB by 2030. It brings hope and builds on the amazing work done in 2023 by many TB High Burden Countries and TB Champions around the world who continue to make incredible strides to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic by increasing access to TB treatment and prevention.

The theme also centers on the increased engagement of those affected by TB, communities and civil society who are leading the movement towards ending this disease, and the progress made in research and development – many new TB diagnosis tools, shorter, more efficient treatment and preventive regimens as well as several vaccines in phase 3 clinical trials. 

We invite everyone to use the proposed materials or adapt them to create your own. This comprehensive toolkit will help raise awareness for the upcoming World TB Day and can be used, adapted, or tailored to fit everyone’s needs and vision. Don’t forget to share your plans – upload your events and plans here, and use the hashtag #YesWeCanEndTB on social media to share your work with the world! 

We know that we can end TB! So, let’s join together and make this the biggest and best World TB Day yet!

Fonte: https://www.stoptb.org/news/yes-we-can-end-tb-world-tb-day-2024-campaign-toolkit